Date: 22 January 2015
My Promise to Children is a civil society digital-led campaign that aims to activate the Promise the world made 25 years ago to children, when the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on 20 November 1989.
The campaign is led by Association of Registered Child Care Providers Malaysia (PPBM), Bar Council Malaysia, the Child Rights Coalition of Malaysia (CRCM), Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (DiGi), digital marketing agency Isobar, Malaysia Paediatric Association (MPA), National Early Children Intervention Council (NECIC), The School at Jaya One, The Scouts Association of Malaysia and the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF).
The role of NECIC in this campaign is to raise awareness on the CRC to the public, in particular parents and children.
Dato Dr. Amar Singh represented NECIC for a video interview in conjunction with the campaign.
My Promise to Children – An Interview with Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS (YouTube)