Membership Application

Membership & Benefits
Membership is open to all interested individuals, organisations, and agencies.
The main benefit of becoming a member of the NECIC is the opportunity to join the early childhood intervention network in advocating and influencing policies that benefit children with disabilities and delays and their families.
Welfare-based NGOs will also get to enjoy discounted rates at national conferences and workshops, as well as opportunities to participate in staff-exchange programmes, both locally as well as regionally.
Types of Membership
Ordinary Member (Annual fee RM 100.00)
Open to all centres / organisations which are registered with governmental authority or with the Registrar of Society (ROS) and have objectives that are in harmony with those of the National Council. Each centre / organisation shall be entitled to nominate a maximum of 2 representatives to attend any meeting of the National Council. Each centre / organisation shall have 1 vote.
Individual Associate Member (Annual fee RM 100.00)
Open to individuals who agree with the objectives of the National Council to become Associate Members. An Individual Associate Member may attend any meeting of the National Council as an observer without voting rights. These members are not entitled to stand for election in any General Meetings.
Corporate Associate Member (Annual fee RM 500.00)
Corporate bodies that do not qualify under “ordinary members” but have objectives similar to all or any of the objectives of the National Council to become Associate Members. A Corporate Associate Member may nominate one representative to attend any meeting of the National Council as an observer without voting rights. These members are not entitled to stand for election in any General Meetings.
How to join as a member?
Download the membership form here, then fill in the membership form and email to us at enquiries.necic@gmail.com.
We will reply and confirm your membership as soon as possible.